Sunday, November 20, 2005

"The Batman" From Batman - Michael Keaton


Putnumber Editor said...

Wow, nice blog here! vy freshing and attracting!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello. You bid on my rent-my-blog ad, today. I wound up going with another blog, but only because they bid before you did. Whenever I can't decide between two, I go with the one who got their bid in first. Since I really like your blog, I went ahead and mentioned you in the same post. Hope that's cool.


Christopher Trottier said...

I think Michael Keaton was the worst Batman.

James said...


This is just a calling card to say I've read your blog (or at least a little) via BlogExlposion. I hate the fact that you can win credits to view peoples sites, and people just click right through it.

And I think Michael Keaton was the best. ;-) Very dark.

Thanks for the read,

Making a beautiful house a beautiful home
My rant on the web

Anonymous said...

How ironic that I stumbled across your blog. I am getting this movie from Netflix tomorrow. By the way, great pictures!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!