Sunday, November 20, 2005

"The Batman" From Batman - Michael Keaton

"The Penguin and Catwoman"

"Catwoman" From Batman Returns - Michelle Pheffer

"The Penguin" From Batman Returns - Danny Devito

Willy Nelson

Series of Wax Figures

I recently went to a new attraction in Niagara Falls with my boyfriend and decided to use my camera phone to snap a few shots. The new Louis Tussaud's Wax Museum was incrediable inside. All of the figures were so life-like and the building itself was warm and inviting. Definately worth the money to get in. Sorry the pictures aren't the highest quality but I'm lacking a decent camera for a while. Please enjoy the best pictures from the day though.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Mall Dogs #3

Mall Dogs #2

Mall Dogs #1

I took these photos at the mall in my hometown. The dog were part of a dog show, and I just had to snap a few pictures of them.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Burning Candle #2

I love this photograph for the neat shadow effect the candle created, but the chemicals caused water marks to show up on the sides of the photo. I should have reprinted it.

Burning Candle #1

Thursday, September 22, 2005

My Photo Gallery

I decided to display all my photo works online to get other's opinions on them.

Please feel free to post about each picture you see.